7th Graders Practice Math in Action from Ms. Redd
By Ms. Redd
VoiceThread showcases this great example of Math in Action. My students love the idea that they can comment on a video featuring one of their teachers and it feels like they aren’t even doing math!! It makes Math come alive and helps students relate to the problem!
I have been using VoiceThread to prepare my students for the state standardized tests. I use a flip camera and carry it around school to try to catch Math in Action. It has taken us a while to learn all of the aspects to VT but we love it!
This has been nightly homework/review for my classes.
Easy Parts
The easiest part of this project was checking the work!
Some of my students are afraid to hear their voices in front of the class, so most of those students like to comment by typing but for the most part students branching out and trying new methods of commenting.
Flip camera.
You just have to play around with it until you come up with a system that works for you.
I have uploaded pictures of maps and students have used the scales viewed on the maps to figure out the actual distance between two locations. I have TONS of ideas!